424 Repair Jeans, Denim Jacket & Hoodie

424 Repair Jeans

Male (T-E)
20 Swatches.
Custom thumbnail.
Base game & HQ mod compatible.
424 Hoodie
Male (T-E)
45 swatches. (Vans, Supreme, Nike, Stussy, Palace…)
Custom thumbnail.
Base game & HQ mod compatible.
424 Denim Jacket

Male (T-E)
32 swatches. (12 paisley & 20 solids)
Custom thumbnail.
Base game & HQ mod compatible.


13 commentaires:

  1. WONDERFUL <3 thank you so much for all your hard work

  2. Love this. Have you thought about making Comme des Garçons Converse? They would go perfect with the outfits you create.

  3. the download for the hoodie not working

  4. update: https://www.simsdom.net/downloads/104860/shunga-424-hoodie-sims4
    all the links are borken because "simsdom.com" should be changed into "simsd0k.net" for the links to work

  5. Simsdom is now Simsfinds and the 424 Hoodie is not on the site. I searched by "shunga" and "424", and nothing came up. Could you please reupload the links? Thank you so much! This set is amazing!

  6. https://www.simsfinds.com/downloads/104860/shunga-424-hoodie-sims4
